Officer Application

Adopt A Cop BJJ Rules and Requirements
Adopt A Cop BJJ is a program intended to help support SWORN UNIFORMED PATROL OFFICERS that interact daily with the public. We provide officers with a sponsorship to attend Brazilian Jiu Jitsu training at our affiliate gyms until the rank of blue belt.
- Sponsorship is attendance-based and enrolled officers must train on at least eight (8) separate days per month. Officers must have an Instagram to be enrolled in the program. The officer may create an account under an alias if they are concerned or obligated by their department; posting is mandatory to track attendance, create content for the program, and encourage more people to donate to help the program thrive. Officers are required to ‘check-in’ at their respective academy before, after, or during their training sessions by making a post to their Instagram tagging @adoptacopbjj and using the hashtag #adoptacopbjj. Story posts are not an accepted form of posting.
- If an officer fails to meet the required attendance for a month, they will receive a single warning. If the officer fails to meet the required attendance for any month after said warning they will be removed from the program. We have made the program more flexible with the officers having the ability to choose when they train throughout the duration of an entire month, therefore they will not be granted any sick days etc. There is an eighteen (18) month maximum timeframe for each officer to be in the program. If the officer has not yet obtained their blue belt it will be up to them if they wish to continue pursuing the promotion on their own accord.
- Affiliate academies agree to literally ‘Adopt A Cop’ by allowing one (1) police officer to train for free up to the rank of blue belt. Affiliate academies allow subsequent officers to train at a reduced membership fee of $50/month. The membership fee is paid upfront by the officer and if all requirements are met the officer is reimbursed by the program on the first of the month. The officer must be willing to pay for their membership fee upfront, no exceptions will be made, this increases accountability of the officers being consistent in their training and meeting the attendance requirements.
- Officers interested in the program should use the store locator on our website to see if there is an affiliate academy in their area. If so, the officer should ask the affiliate academy if they have already sponsored their first officer. If the affiliate academy agrees to sponsor said officer as their first free officer the officer would simply send an email to so they can be added into the program.
- If the officer does not locate an affiliate academy, but there is one in their area that agrees to the terms and conditions of the program, they may request the academy become an affiliate by having the owner/manager of said academy complete an application under the “become an affiliate gym” tab on our website. Once the academy is approved the officer would simply send an email to info so they can be added into the program.
- If an interested officer wants to enroll at an affiliate academy under the reduced rate and receive reimbursement via the program applications must currently be open. If applications are open at that time the officer would complete the officer application on our site and wait to receive an email from the program director.
- All payments are reimbursed via PayPal. Reimbursement requests are made under the “Officer Reimbursement Request” tab on our website. Officers will be reimbursed on the first of each month. All Reimbursement requests MUST be made no later than the last day of each month. Officers that do not submit their request for reimbursement in time will not be reimbursed for that month regardless of their attendance.
*Military Police, Border Patrol, Correctional Officers, Federal Officers, and Government Agents do not qualify for this program.
These requirements are effective as of 01/01/2024